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369 Felipe Santos Rodríguez Strategic communication in modern conflicts : Afganistan targets and yet failing in its civilian objective. Those key issues needed once the international troops are no longer present, such as public order, confidence of the locals in their institutions, or establishing basic public services. In fact, this is main aspect that the enemies exploit in new conflicts: maintaining peacekeeping operations, which takes place in a hostile environment and makes the people suspicious and mistrusting. Nothing ever changes, the day they leave, everything returns to the previous situation. According to Lindley-French adapting the Comprehensive Approach to NATO’s new Strategic Concept means, adopting a an “holistic” approach which is transverse and interrelated to all the operational aspects. In this sense, it emphasizes influence as a critical factor that must be taken into account. One must understand the critical role of Influence. Influencing is the core concept to organize these hybrid operations and achieve a successful implementation of the Compre-hensive approach. The other elements such as (campaign planning, targeting policy and strategic communication) are part of a holistic approach to generating influence in the site itself as well as at home.33 Within the NATO structure, Lindley-French proposed to create a Comprehensive Approach Command, under the command of SACEUR, to penetrate the strategic tactical units HRF (L) High Readiness Forces (Land). It as proposed that the integration of civil and military affairs be present in the planning as well as to have the necessary resources. Perhaps this is the origin of the difficulty in creating this figure, since the CA (Comprehensive Approach) command is usually civilian and not mili-tary, as in civil-military operations in crisis management applied to the European Union. The operational part of NATO’s is eminently military, even though the maximum level of agreements and decision are political s as well as multinational ones. The European Union is revising the usefulness of the Comprehensive Approach as an agency to Coordinate Crisis Management that has at its disposition civilian and military resources. The integration of all of this will be in line with what other multi-lateral organizations are reforming within their framework. It will facilitate achieving what the European Security Strategy has established.34 Finally, the new NATO Strategic Concept was approved at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010. This summit definitely established the Comprehensive Approach as a way to address international crisis management through the coordination and effective combination of all its political, civil and military resources. In March 2012, NATO 33  LINDLEY-FRENCH, J. Operationalizing the Comprehensive Approach. Atlantic Council, Issue Brief, 2010, 2. 34  PAREJA RODRÍGUEZ, I. y COLOM PIELLA, G. El Enfoque Integral (Comprehensive Approach) a la gestión de crisis internacionales. Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 115/2008, p. 6.

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