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480 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 An analysis of the institution has for decades been determined by the traditional framework, in which military personnel were lightly armed and acted in accordance with the principles of consent, impartiality and the non-use of force, except in legitimate defense. It was Hammarskjöld who, as Secretary General, was the architect of the theoretical and legal guidelines for peacekeeping operations. Building on previous contributions from within the United Nations Secretariat, such as those of Bunche y Pearson, he used the term “peacekeeping operation” (PO) to refer to it as belonging to “Chapter VI and a half ” of the Charter, halfway between the methods of resolving disputes peacefully and more forceful action13.Thus the historic and judicial context of United Nations peacekeeping operations is situated in the period of the cold war, characterized by the search for alternative methods given the breakdown of collective security, and hence the fact that such missions were frequently devised as an alternative method, an original form of action that escaped the formal previsions of the United Nations Charter14 In the wake of these first operations, peacekeeping missions15 have been constantly 13  Question considered by the Security Council at its 749th and 750th meetings held on 30 October 1956: 2nd and final report of the Secretary-General on the plan for an emergency international United Nations force requested in the resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 4 November 1956, A/3302, 1956. 14  .DIEZ DE VELASCO, M. & OTHERS, Las Organizaciones Internacionales, Madrid, Ed. Tecnos, 16th edición, 2010 15  For theoretical and doctrinal analyses on United Nations peace operations, see, among others, BOWETT, D.W., United Nations Forces: a legal study, London, The Lawbook Exchange Limited, originally published in 1964, reedited in 2008, pp.1-579; HALDERMAN, J.W., “Legal Basis for United Nations Armed Forces”, ASIL, Vol. 56, nº 4, 1962, pp. 971-996; BELLAMY, A.J. & WILLIAMS, P. & GRIFIN, S., Understanding Peacekeeping, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2004, pp. 1-325; BERDAL, M., “Ten Years of International Peacekeeping”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 10, nº 4, 2003, pp. 5-11 and by the same author, “The Security Council and Peacekeeping”, in LOWE, V. & ROBERTS, A. & WELSH, J. (eds), The United Nations Security Council and War, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 175-205; VV.AA., Peacekeeping Peacebuilding: Preparing for the Future, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), Helsinki, 2006, pp. 1-55; MACKINLAY, J., The Development of Peacekeeping Forces, Centre for Defence Studies, King’s College London, 2001, pp. 1-20; LIU, F.T., United Nations peace-keeping operations: their importance and their limitations in a polarized world, Recueil de Cours, Academie de Droit International, Vol. 201, I, 1987, pp. 385 – 400. For reference works in Spain see in particular: IGLESIAS VELASCO, A.J., Las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: Concepto, evolución histórica y características (1948 – 2002), Madrid, Ed. Madrid Autonomous University, 2003, pp. 1-357 and by the same author Los problemas del mantenimiento international de la paz, Ministry of Defense, Madrid, 2003, pp. 1-419 y “El marco jurídico de las operaciones de mante-nimiento de la paz de Naciones Unidas”, Forum: Revista de ciencias jurídicas y sociales, nº 1, 2005, pp. 127-177.; CARDONA LLORENS, J., Las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas: ¿hacia una revisión de sus principios fundamentales?, Cursos euromediterráneos Bancaja de Derecho International, 2003, pp. 759-891; FERNÁNDEZ SANCHEZ, P.A., Operaciones de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento de la paz, Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones: Huelva University, Ministry of Education and Culture. General Directorate of Scientific y Technical Investigación, 1998, Vol. 1 y 2; DÍAZ BARRADO, C.M. & others, Misiones internacionales de paz: Operaciones de Naciones

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