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482 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 efforts at defining them schematically - carried out by numerous bodies under the umbrella of the United Nations- which have laid down their conceptual, legal and operative guidelines. In this sense, the concept, evolution and normative framework of UN peacekeeping operations can be closely examined in various reference texts, the most notable being the Reports of General Secretary Boutros Ghali An Agenda for Peace 199217 and the Supplement to an Agenda for Peace 199518, and more recently the Brahimi Report 19, the Capstone doctrine 20 and other documents such as the so-called New Horizon, July 200921, published by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations(hereafter DPKO). The work carried out by the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations is worthy of mention. It was created in 1995 as a subsidiary of the General Assembly to monitor and review all aspects of peacekeeping operations22. In addition to the las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de Naciones Unidas, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2005, pp. 1-328; ESCOBAR HERNÁNDEZ, C., Las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de concepto integrado: un estudio de la práctica, Santander, 1995; MARIÑO MENÉNDEZ, F., “Perspectivas de las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de Naciones Unidas”, Tiempo de Paz, nº 43, Winter 1996-1997, pp. 41- 53; FUENTE COBO, I.,“Operaciones de paz para el siglo XXI: de la prevención a la intervención”, Seguridad y Defensa, General Gutiérrez Mellado University Institute of Research into Peace, Security and Defense, Madrid, 2000, pp. 87-105. 17  General Secretary’s Report:-An Agenda for Peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping, A/47/277 – S/24111, 1992 (henceforth An Agenda for Peace). 18  General Secretary’s Report Supplement to An Agenda for Peace, A/50/60/ - S/1995/1, 1995 (henceforth Supplement to An Agenda for Peace). 19  A wide-reaching examination of all aspects of the question of peacekeeping operations BRAHIMI, L & others, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, 2000. This report responds to the call by the Secretary General for the need to probe into and reform peacekeeping operations, and to that effect the creation of an expert group, also known as the Panel on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, presided over by Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi of Algeria. This high-level group was set up with a mandate to examine all aspects relating to peacekeeping operations, and to formulate a set of specific, practical recommen-dations to assist and bring about improvements within the organization. (Henceforth Brahimi Report). 20  United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Capstone Doctrine, 2008, DOMP (henceforth Capstone Doctrine). 21  A new partnership agenda: charting a new horizon for UN peacekeeping, DPKO – DSF, July 2009 (henceforth New Horizon). 22  The Committee currently consists of 114 States and 12 observers (in spite of being still known as C-34); of the subjects frequently up for discussion, budgetary questions occupy a prominent place. Nevertheless the Committee has become involved in the process of the definition and the improvement of peace operations so as to make them more effective, and has similarly taken on a whole range of other issues, such as legal principles, free time, the role of regional agencies and improving their capabilities as well as lessons learnt, among many other issues dealt with in meetings and annual reports. HANRAHAN, M., “The United Nations Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations”, International Peacekeeping: The yearbook of International peace operations, Vol. 11, 2007, pp. 29-45.

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