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520 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 dering the quality criteria, then the quantity is merely synonymous with occupied space, social networks, numerous literary references, maximum media coverage, and optimization of opportunities for forming part of expert commissions and of breaking into international institutions. From this list, only American think tanks and a couple of French think tanks can boast offices abroad, developing the concept of intellectual diplomacy. It is not easy to get access to information on financing sources and budgets in France and Spain as the organisations in these countries do not communicate their data. But this would suggest the lack of resources on the side of French and Spanish structures32 like the IFRI (6.6), IRIS (2.5), FRS (3.6), CERI (6) compared to their American equivalents - Brookings (90), NED (135), Rand (263), Heritage (81), Hoover (40), Hudson (12). 32  These are the 2012 budgets, in millions of Euros for France and millions of Dollars for the Uni-ted States.

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