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566 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 THE ECONOMICS OF SECURITY AND DEFENCE. TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION RELATED TO THE DEFENCE INDUSTRY 1: INTRODUCTION Today, “knowledge transfer” is seen to be the vertex of the defence sector’s organisational pyramid, revealing the strategic management of the companies with which it interacts. In this respect, General Ballesteros1 affirms that knowledge transfer explains capacity-based strategic planning and the pre-eminence of effective deci-sion- making within the defence function. Academic research regards knowledge management as “the art of creating value with the intangible assets of an organisation”2 . This is all based on a model where a competitive advantage derives from the creation, acquirement, storage and dissemination of knowledge emerging from organisations where this represents the central basis for managing intangible assets. The outcome of this relationship consists in processing information using new knowledge of greater added value. It thus follows that firms, aware of the importance of the management of the intangible assets, have placed their bets on the evaluation of intellectual capital as an appropriate organisational response to achieve better results and lasting competitive advantages over time.3 To achieve this, organisations require all knowledge to be externalised through business-to-business cooperation relationships whereby people disseminate the knowledge they have beyond their company, sharing their know-how and ex-pertise. Today, with a view to technological development, it has been pro- 1  BALLESTEROS, M.A. “La transferencia mutua de conocimiento Defensa-Sociedad. El proceso estratégico”, Ciclo de Conferencias “El papel de desarrollo y transferencia tecnológica de la Defensa y las Fuerzas Armadas en el Sistema de I+D+I”, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, Madrid, 2010. 2  MARTÍNEZ, A.; CEGARRA, J.G. AND SÁNCHEZ, M.T. “Managing Environmental Knowledge as a Way to Improve Business Performance”, Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy (MSKE), Universidad Lusíada de Famalicão, Portugal, 2009. 3  BUENO, E.; JERICÓ, P. AND SALMADOR, M.P. Experiencias en Medición del Capital Intelectual en España: El Modelo Intelec. In Bueno y Salmador (eds.). Perspectivas sobre Dirección del Conocimiento y Capital Intelectual. Instituto Universitario Euroforum Escorial, 2010 pp. 111-121.

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