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Traducción efectuada por el GABINETE de TRADUCTORES e INTÉRPRETES DEL EME, registrada con el nº 17-0027 SUMMARY SOMMAIRE DAESH OU LE CALIFAT DE LA TERREUR.................... 6 L’injustement dénommé État islamique est une filiale de Al-Qaeda surgie durant la guerre d’Iraq. Pour se légitimer, cette filiale s’est auto-dénommée État Islamique. Le reste des croyants musulmans, ne voulant pas lui conférer la légitimité qu’elle recherche au travers du nom «état», utilisent l’expression Daesh, «ceux qui écrasent», lorsqu’ils évoquent ce groupe terroriste. Avec le temps, l’utilisation qu’il a fait de la violence barbare pour atteindre ses objectifs politiques et stratégiques, a conduit la communauté internationale à considérer Daesh comme une organisation terroriste à vaincre, et que la matrice même de Al-Qaeda l’ait renié pour cette raison même. 124  REVISTA EJÉRCITO • N. 911 MARZO • 2017 CROIRE EN L’INSTITUTION MILITAIRE..................... 30 Cet article est un essai sur l’institution militaire et ses valeurs, ainsi que sur la nécessité de la revaloriser. L’institution militaire n’est pas un cadre juridique, administratif ou organisationnel, c’est un cadre moral et éthique qui apporte au militaire le réconfort et qui sert de guide pour « … verser jusqu’à la dernière goutte de votre sang… » On y examine certains aspects tels que le fait de partir à la retraite, les soins pour les mutilés, les cérémonies militaires ou l’emploi de symboles. On y analyse aussi le rôle de l’écrivain militaire en tant que média qui suscite la réflexion sur les valeurs militaires que l’institution doit préserver et améliorer. DAESH, THE CALIPHATE OF TERROR........................ 6 The wrongfully called Islamic State stemmed from an Al Qaeda subsidiary during the War of Iraq. Such subsidiary has sought to legitimate itself by adopting a new name, and thus it has come to call itself Islamic State. The rest of Muslims, however, refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy it pursues with the word “state” and use the term Daesh- which must be construed as “those who crush”- to refer to this terrorist group. Over time, the barbaric violence it employs to achieve its political and strategic goals has prompted the international community to regard it as a terrorist organization that must be tackled; so much so that even its parent venture, Al Qaeda, has disowned it for that same savagery. TO BELIEVE IN THE MILITARY INSTITUTION............ 30 This article is an essay on the Military Institution and its values and on the need of reasserting it. The Military Institution is not a legal, administrative or organizational framework. It is a moral and ethical framework that provides the servicemen comfort and guide to “…give even the last drop of your blood…” It reviews aspects like the transfer to reserve, the care to disabled ex-servicemen, the military events, the use of symbols or the military writers as means to reflect upon the values the Military Institution must uphold and enhance. It is a task for each and every serviceman to preserve the Military Institution. We owe it to those who came before us; we owe it to those who will come after us. PROJECT ISLERO........................................................ 34 More than 50 years have passed since the historic chapter related to the development of our own nuclear deterrence force saw the light. Project Islero would have brought about a spectacular technological development in Spain, when our country was on an equal scientific footing with the international powers who, due to the only fact of having atomic bombs in their arsenals before 1967, are now permanent and veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council, empowered to resolve issues affecting the rest of the world’s nations both in peace and wartimes. However, owing to a number of domestic and foreign reasons, on April 1, 1981, already under Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo’s administration, Spain signed at the site of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna the safeguards implementation. That meant that IAEA’s inspectors were entitled to inspect every nuclear facility in Spain, which put an official end to Project Islero. THE FIELD ARTILLERY COMMAND........................... 43 In recent times, the Spanish Army has undergone a deep transformation in which, as should be expected, Field Artillery has been fully involved. Once implemented the organizational restructuring, further adaptation of Field and Coastal Artillery to the modern requirements of combat is necessary. The document we present in this issue details the different lines of action in the fields of materiel adaptation and enhancement; command and control, with the adaptation of the system TALOS; or the recovery of capacity provided by rocket launching materiel. Once implemented and brought into operation the new structure of its units, Field and Coastal Artillery faces the thrilling challenge of adjusting itself to meet the requirements of modern combat and doing it, if it gets to that, with the certainty of win, because here there is no tie score nor second-leg match.

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