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365 Felipe Santos Rodríguez Strategic communication in modern conflicts : Afganistan late 2007, the UK launched a similar tool: the Stabilization Unit. This was a logi-cal consequence of its predecessor, the PCRU (Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit) created in 2004, which reflected the application of the concept of Comprehensive Approach to its National Security Strategy. The same initiatives are found in France, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The United States created in 2004 the Office of S/ CRS (Services/Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization), which developed into the NSPD-44 (National Security Presidential Directive-44) on December 2005. This effort to integrate these new concepts was also adapted in international organi-zations that are with the added difficulty to get several countries to get to a consensus on different interests on the field of operations. Based on the Brahimi Report, the UN had been reviewing its model Peacekeeping Operations. Parallel to the 2005 Summit talks of Integrated Missions began, based on the creation of strategic plans that would unify all the different aspects, military and nonmilitary relating to their missions. The term “integrated mission” is defined as an instrument with which the UN seeks to help countries in the transition from a war situation to that of lasting peace. Likewi-se to manage a similarly complex situation that requires a response from the entire UN system via inclusion of various participants and approaches within the political-strategic framework of crisis management.24 2.1 The UN experience The UN adopted in June 2006, the so-called IMPP (Integrated Mission Planning Process), in order to facilitate this type of integrated planning for Peacekeeping Operations. The idea was based in developing a system whose perspective included the strategic objectives of the missions that would reach people responsible for the planning, the political agenda and as well as the authorities. In 2008, within the DPKO (Department of Peace Keeping Operations) reformation strategy called “Peace Operations 2010” a document was released that serves as a compendium of the best operation practices in nearly 60 peacekeeping operations maintained by the UN had since its founding in 1948. A Peace Operations Doctrine was developed, known as the Capstone Doctrine25, which emerged as a strategic and tactical orientation of the Blue Berets peacekeepers. This replaced the 1995 document General Guidelines on UN Peacekeeping and includes as a fundamental innovation within the establishment of a four element approach to peace operations to be 24  EIDE, E. B.; KASPERSEN, A. T.; KENT, R.; VON HIPPEL, K. Report on Integrated Missions: Practical Perspectives and Recommendations. Independent Study for the Expanded United Nations Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs Core Group, 2005, p. 14. 25  NACIONES UNIDAS, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Principles and Guidelines. Peacekeeping Best Practices Section, Division of Policy, Evaluation and Training, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations, 2008, p. 8.

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