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406 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 an expert in issues relating to gender, and should be able to integrate the provisions stemming from Resolution 1325 into the different phases of military operations. Spain already has a training programme for field gender advisers, and has been sending these experts on missions to Afghanistan and Somalia since 2011. NATO introduced the role of Field Gender Adviser in 200927 as an essential element for the implementation of SCR 1325/2000 in operations in which NATO military forces participate. The main functions of the FGA in our Armed Forces are as follows:28 Instruction and training • Include training plans for the Forces on the implementation of SCR 1325 and related regulations. • Ensure that units receive training on the subject of the gender perspective in exercises and manoeuvres. • Hold seminars and invite experts to information sessions which will help to ensure a better and more comprehensive integration of SCR 1325 and the gender perspective in operations. Relations with other stakeholders • Interact and work together with local authorities, police and religious authorities, as well as women’s associations present in the field of operations. • Share and exchange information on the gender perspective with other international organisations present in the field of operations, such as the UN, OSCE, EU, International Red Cross, NGOs. Analysis and advice to the Force Commander • Analyse available measures to deal with gender violence of all types in conflict situations. • Directly support the commander on gender issues and the implementation of SCR 1325 (prevention, protection and participation of women in peacebuilding and security tasks). Selection of personnel 27  NATO BI-SC Directive 40-01 Integrating UNSCR 1325 and gender perspectives in the NATO command structures including measures for protection in armed conflict, of September 2009. 28  CARVAJAL CERVERA, Ignacio: “El asesor de género en operaciones”, in ROBLES CARRILLO, Margarita (coord.): Género, conflictos armados y seguridad. La asesoría de género en operaciones, Op. cit., pp. 293 to 306.

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