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521 Olivier Urrutia The role of Think Tanks in the definition and application of defence policies and strategies Table II - List of think tanks that work on issues related to defence, security and international relations THINK TANKS SPECIALISED IN DEFENCE, SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS USA - American Enterprise Institute - American Foreign Policy Council - American-Iranian Council - American Israel Public Affairs Committee - American Security Council Foundation - Aspen strategy Group - Atlantic Council - British American Security Information Council - Brookings Institution - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Cato Institute - Center for a New American Security - Center for Advanced Defense Studies - Center for International Policy - Center for Security Policy - Center for Strategic and International Studies - Center for Naval Analyses - Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation - Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute - Center for the National Interest - The Century Foundation - Combating Terrorism Center - Committee on the Present Danger - Conflict Solutions International - Council on Foreign Relations - Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Foreign Policy in Focus - Foreign Policy Research Institute - German Marshall Fund of the United States - Halifax International Security Forum - The Heritage Foundation - Hoover Institution - Hudson Institute - India, China & America Institute - Iran Policy Committee - The Independent Institute - Institute for the Study of War - Inter-American Dialogue - Jamestown Foundation - Keck Institute for Space Studies - Middle East Forum - National Bureau of Asian Research National Endowment for Democracy -National Security Network - Miter Corporation - Pacific Institute - Project 2049 Institute -RAND Corporation -Strategic Studies Institute - United States Institute of Peace - Washington Institute for Near East Policy - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

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