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232 FERNANDO CALVO GONZÁLEZ-REGUERAL Revista de Historia Militar, 114 (2013), pp. 157-236. ISSN: 0482-5748 18 1932 Lectures on F. S. R. III (Operations Between Mechanized Forces) Sifton Praed, Londres Operaciones entre fuerzas mecanizadas (comentarios al F. S. R.) Versión de Secundino Serrano para la Colección Bibliográfica Militar, Toledo, 1933 Reditado por Eyre and Spottiswoode como Armoured Warfare en 1943 (ver); también en Harrisburg, 1955 y Grenwood, 1983 19 1932 The Dragon’s Teeth: A Study of War and Peace Constable, Londres 20 1932 War and Western Civilization, 1832-1932: A Study of War as a Political Instrument and the Expression of Mass Democracy Duckworth, Londres Reditado por Books for Libraries Press, Nueva York en 1969. Es el origen de La dirección de la guerra 21 1933 Grant and Lee: A Study in Personality and Generalship Eyre and Spottiswoode, Londres;Scribner’s, Nueva York Varias reediciones, destacando la de Indiana UP, Bloomington, en 1957 22 1933 Generalship: Its Diseases and their Cure: A Study of the Personal Factor in Command Faber and Faber, Londres Reeditado por Military Service Publishing, Harrisburg (Pensilvania), 1936 23 1934 Empire Unity and Defence Arrowsmith, Bristol 24 1935 The Army in my Time Rich and Cowan, Londres 25 1936 The First of the League Wars: Its Lessons and Omens Eyre and Spottiswoode, Londres 26 1936 Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier Ivor Nicholson and Watson, Londres 27 1937 Towards Armageddon: The Defence Problem and its Solution Lovat Dickson, Londres

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