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35 Posicionamiento preciso de objetivos (Target Mensuration) BIBLIOGRAFÍA ◊  “2007 Surge of Ground Forces in Iraq – Risks, Challenges and Suc-cesses: An Interview with Lieutenant General R. T. Odierno,” Fires Bu-lletin, April 2008. Apr_2008/Mar_Apr_2008.pdf. ◊  S. R. Gourley, “Precision Fires,” Army, March 2009, http://www.ausa. org/publications/armymagazine/archive/2009/3/Documents/Gour-ley_ 0309.pdf. ◊  Major General (Ret) D. C. Ralston and P. Slayden Hollis, “PGM Effects for the BCT Commander,” Fires Bulletin, January- February 2009. ◊  The SMArt-155 deploys its parachutes while BONUS spirals downwards using winglets to search for targets. ◊  “Twelve Facts and Fallacies About the Convention on Cluster Muni-tions,” Cluster Munition Coalition, 26 November 2013, http://www. facts-and-fallacies-4-10-09.pdf. Article 2(2)(c) excludes munitions with sub-munitions if they have fewer than 10 sub-munitions and each sub-munition weighs more than 4kg, can detect and engage a single target object, and is equipped with electronic self-destruction and self-deactivation features. ◊  Joint Publication 3-09: Joint Fires Support (Joint Staff, June 2007), ◊  “JFIRE Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for the Joint Application of Firepower,” Air Land Sea Application Center, December 2007, Error-Categories. ◊  “Target Coordinate Mensuration Certification and Program Accredita-tion,” Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Instruction, January 2013, ◊  “Scoping the Target Location Accuracy (TLA) Problem,” DRA/6500 Joint Fires HQ DRA Thinkpiece, 23 November 2007. ◊  “Pamphlet No. 3 Joint Tactical Targeting Process,” Artillery Training Vo-lume 1: Artillery in Battle (United Kingdom Armed Forces, June 2010). El teniente coronel D. Francisco José Martin Moya pertenece a la 280 promoción del Arma de Artillería, es analista de artillería de campaña en la Jefatura de Adiestramiento y Doctrina de Artillería (JADART), y es el representante español en el grupo de capacidades integradas de fuego indirecto (ICGIF) D. Francisco Gonzalez Mené es Ingeniero de Telecomunicación por la ETSIT de la UPM de Madrid. Es el Delegado Español en el Grupo NIAG de la OTAN y “SME Senior Advisor” de la EDA. Es el representante de TEDAE en OTAN, EDA, LOI y OCCAR

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