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REVISTA_IEEE_10 368 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 AN ANALYSIS OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY LAW IN SPAIN AS A COMPREHENSIVE SECURITY LAW. PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE SECURITY ON LAND ROUTES AS AN AREA OF SPECIAL INTEREST FOR NATIONAL SECURITY INTRODUCTION National Security is linked to global security and legislation and the National Security Strategy needs to be addressed from an international perspective; this forces countries to analyse what happens in the rest of the world from a universal viewpoint. In addition, countries have to meet their international commitments, and the United Nations1, OSCE2, NATO3, and the European Union4 promote comprehensive, coordinated and coherent responses to Security at international level thus providing the framework for individual National Security Policies and Strategies. This paper, through its theoretical analysis of the National Security Law in Spain, following the Comprehensive Security model, proposes the specific inclusion of Maritime Security, and Security on Land Routes as a new area of special interest for National Security, with Mobility and Land Transport Security as a line of action in the National Security Strategy, Similarly it envisages their inclusion as a legal provision for Security in Transport and Critical Land Infrastructures. 1  UNITED NATIONS, The General Assembly approved the United Nations Global Strategy on Terrorism on September 8, 2006, Resolution 60/288. Cited on documents/642012/5179146/NACIONES+UNIDAS+8+SEPTIEMBRE+2006+ (SPANISH). pdf/2053629e-27d1-4a0f-a8aa-a131f51093e3. Obtained on September 2, 2012 ctc/action.html September 8, 2010 “The states reaffirmed the National Strategy against terrorism and reiterated their strong and unequivocal condemnation in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of who committed it, from where and for what purpose”. ‘Plan of Action to prevent Violent Extremism’ A/70/674, December 24, 2015. Consulted on February 22, 2016. “The UN Security Council called on the international community to increase cooperation and concerted efforts in the fight against terrorism to prevent attacks on vital infrastructure” asp?NewsID=36761 Obtained on February 16, 2017. 2  NATO, “NATO 2020. Assured Security; Dynamic engagement” May 17, 2010 Consulted on April 13, 2013. 3  OSCE, OSCE consolidated framework for the fight against terrorism, Decision number 1063, December 7, 2012. Consulted September 14, 2014. 4  EU, ‘A global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy”, June 2016 http:// Consulted on January 2, 2017

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