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Revista de Historia Militar 123

176 JOSÉ ANTONIO PÉREZ GIMENA Termina la obra con un análisis de uno de los hechos más famosos de esta batalla, cual fue el aprisionamiento del rey francés Francisco I. Para lo que se ha seguido el magnífico trabajo que desarrolló el profesor D. Fausto Arocena Arregui sobre este tema. PALABRAS CLAVE: La Guerra de Granada; El Gran Capitán; Las Guerras de Italia; Ceriñola; Garellano; Pavía; Carlos VIII; Luis XI; Fernando el Católico; Alejandro VI; Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba. ABSTRACT As declared in its subtitle, the work focuses in studying the evolution of the Spanish Army in its transit from medieval structures to what came to be named “the Renaissance Army”, which was master in Europe until the end of the seventeenth century. This evolution encompassed from the logistic to support a permanent army to the development of the Artillery, and consequently that of the bulwarks whose defensive walls had to stand the mighty artillery impacts, the new organization of the combat units, down to the materialization of weapons as the arquebuse, that provided the Infantry with a new and shocking fire power. All that made the cavalry, the “men at arms”, to yield the crown of “Queen of battles” to the new Infantry. The relation starts with the futuristic visión of Alonso de Palencia, which in his work “A treaty on the perfection of the military success”, written in 1456, already showed the need for a new concept of Army organization. The account follows with the key steps of the evolution, as are: The Grenade War, the wars in Italy, reaching its conclussion in the Battle of Pavia, where by applying all their acquired knowledge, the Spanish Infantry definitely dethrones as Queen of battles the most powerful cavalry of the times, the French one. The work ends with an analysis of one of the most famous deeds in that battle, as was the taking as a prisioner of the French King Francis I, to which end the excelent work developed by Prof. D. Fausto Arocena Arregui on this subject has been followed. KEY WORDS: The Grenade War, The “Gran Capitan”, the wars in Italy, Ceriñola, Garellano, Pavia, Charles VIII, Louis XI, Ferdinand “the Catholic”, Alexander VI, Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba. * * * * Revista de Historia Militar, 123 (2018), pp. 176-232. ISSN: 0482-5748

Revista de Historia Militar 123
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