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254 LÓPEZ DE LA ASUNCIÓN y LEIVA RAMÍREZ tase, cumpliesen con su misión y capitulasen honrosamente únicamente tras cerciorarse de estar defendiendo un territorio ajeno a la soberanía española. Su gesta constituye un ejemplo modélico para cualquiera que desde entonces haya tenido el honor de vestir el uniforme militar. PALABRAS CLAVE: Sitio de Baler, Revolución filipina, guerra Hispano Americana, héroes de Baler. ABSTRACT Between June 30th, 1898 and June 2nd, 1899, a reduced initial force of 53 Spanish soldiers were besieged inside the church of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa in the town of Baler, Luzon Island (Philippines). Despite the marked numerical inferiority and the impossibility of receiving outside support, the heroic behavior of the defenders and their spirit of sacrifice made it possible for the Spanish flag to fly high and proud for 337 days at the top of the bell tower of the besieged position. Three Franciscan friars also took part in the defense, two of them survivors of the siege and greatly forgotten in this chapter. Not even the force used in each combat, the hunger, the illness, the own desperation or death could prevent that, united as if it were just one man, were able to fulfill their mission and capitulated honorably only after making sure that they were defending a territory foreign to Spanish sovereignty. Their deed constitutes a model example for anyone who has since been honored to wear a military uniform. KEY WORDS: Siege of Baler, Philippine Revolution, Spanish American war, heroes of Baler. * * * * * Antecedentes La famosa defensa de 337 días mantenida entre el 30 de junio de 1898 y el 2 de junio del siguiente año no fue la primera que afrontaron fuerzas españolas en el interior de la iglesia de San Luis Obispo en Baler. A pesar de la virulencia de la insurrección tagala en la isla de Luzón, el aislamiento propiciado por la complicadísima orografía y la dificultad de Revista de Historia Militar, II extraordinario de 2019, pp. 254-300. ISSN: 0482-5748

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