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ESPECIAL BRJP JULIO 2016 | TIERRA Nº 14 arriving in the Polish port of Szczecin the process was reversed, i.e. unloading, refuelling and forming columns to go to the bases. Half-way there is a control and refuelling check-point; moving vehicles gradually in coordination with the Polish police to avoid traffic jams. A few days later, UAD chartered sensitive material to the airplane Ilyushin (ammunition, encryption and communications equipment). “We try to minimize the logistic footprint and externalize services whenever possible, as in this case,” explained Lt. Col. Moya, Commander of the NSE and the Maintenance Group 61st AALOG. For instance, for the final transfer of personnel to the bases in Swietoszow and Zagan (‘Camp Karliki’), buses were hired through a civilian logistic operator. Cleaning at both bases and catering for ‘Camp Karliki’ were also provided by Polish private companies. Managing expenses is the task of the Administrative-Economic Section, FLO which deals with local contractors for matters such as those, and acquiring of hazardous substances on-site (they cannot be transported by ship), purchasing any spare part which has not been brought over (a container transports those which are more frequently needed according to the records, but others might be needed), hiring an interpreter… On this occasion, there was an extra difficulty: “everything was more concentrated than usual,” adds Lt. Col. Moya. He explains that during missions each Group takes care of a part (e.g. one opens the mission while the other closes it, distributing and staggering the logistic load). The UAR controlled the ordered arrival in the port of Vigo on Monday June 20th and on that week all troops were back home. Last the FLO generated a Medical Unit integrated in the VJTF and a Medical Coordination Center in its Headquarters. 43

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