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Abstract 124 Training and use CAN UAV,S REPLACE FORWARD OBSERVERS? In this article, I briefly explain the lines of investigation followed in my Final Degree Project to meet the requirements of the new curriculum to join the Army Officers Ranks. In the project, the tasks of both Forward Observers and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are analyzed, and specifically their artillery capabilities. Fina-lly, some synergies are presented for its combined use, together with the final conclusions. INDIRECT FIRE FLEXIBILITY Although a fire system and its tactical use are two intimately related things, they are not synonyms. In this article, we are going to deal with the three possible tactical approaches and the principles which direct combat action. Then, we will differentiate between the fire system and its tactical use. Afterwards, we will analyze the indirect fire function. Finally, we will conclude with the specific features of the indirect fire command and control. LIGHT BATTERIES IN THE NEW ARTILLERY BATTALIONS IN THE ON-TRACKS MULTI-PURPOSE ORGANIZATIONAL BRIGADES The new Brigade XI Field Artillery Battalion will undergo a signi-ficant reduction in the caliber of one of its batteries; it will also have to deal with a more difficult Fire control within the Batta-lion, as well as logistic changes, as a consequence of the intro-duction of two main materials completely different to work with. These changes are only some tactical and technical issues to be solved. The real change will have to take place in the minds and hearts of the members of the Field Artillery Battalion XI, which has been a Self-propelled Battalion for over 50 years, but it has had its Self-propulsion reduced since the beginning of 2016. COASTAL ARTILLERY DOCTRINE PUBLICATIONS The Artillery Doctrine and Training Directorate (JADART), within the program established by the Materials, Organization and Doctrine Directorate (DIDOM), and with the collaboration of the Field Artillery Command (MACA) and the Coastal Artillery Regi-ment number 4 (RACTA 4), is carrying out a revision and update of Coastal Artillery doctrine publications. THE FIRE SUPPORT USED IN THE “SERVAL OPERATION” In this article we analyze the “Serval Operation”, carried out in 2013 by the French Army in Mali, and specifically the Fire Support used in that operation. We summarize some Lessons Learned and draw some final conclusions. SKYDOR RECORDED DATA EXPLOITATION AND VISUAL DIS-PLAY In order to improve the mission analysis of an Air Defense Unit, we have studied and improved the method used to exploit the SKYDOR Fire Control System recorded data, so that they can be

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