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RHM_extra3_2015_500 años Gran Capitán

Summary Pages PREFACE........................................................................................ 9 ARTICLES −− Gonzalo Fernandez de Córdoba and the identity of the Spa-nish Monarchy, by Mr. Antonio CABEZA RODRÍGUEZ, Professor at the Modern, Contemporary and American History Department at the University of Valladolid............................... 13 −− The soldier-politician: The Gran Capitan and Italy in the ti-mes of the Catholic Kings, by Mr. Carlos José HERNANDO SÁNCHEZ, University of Valladolid....................................... 45 −− The “Gran Capitán”. Revolutionary genius of medieval tac-tics, by Mr. José Manuel MOLLÁ AYUSO, Army Major Ge-neral........................................................................................... 115 −− From the “Gran Capitan” to the Tercios: Gonzalo Fernandez de Córdoba´s inheritance in the Armies of the Habsburgs (Six-teenth and Seventeenth Centuries), by Mr. Antonio José RO-DRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, National Open University and Mr. Eduardo de MESA GALLEGO, “Carlos de Amberes” Foundation................................................................................. 143 −− The neapolitan patronage of the “Gran Capitan”. Building and representing a new image of power, by Mr. Giuseppe RAGO, University for Neapolitan Studies Frederic II, Polyte-chnic and Basic Sciences School, Architectural Department.... 189 ANEXOS......................................................................................... 215 New rules for publishing originals................................................... 249 Printing upon request....................................................................... 253 Newsletter Subscription................................................................... 255

RHM_extra3_2015_500 años Gran Capitán
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