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Taltz®, Lesinurad, Zurampic®, Maltol férrico, Feraccru®, Necitumumab, Portrazza®, Octocog Alfa, Iblias/Kovaltry®, Osimertinib, Tagrisso®, Selexipag, Uptravi®, Trifluridina/Tiperacilo, Lonsurf®. REPORTS 116 Trauma and stress related disorders evaluated by the Spanish Military Health Psychiatric Expert Medical Board Morales Rodríguez PP., Medina Amor JL., Gutiérrez Ortega C., Abejaro de Castro LF., Hijazo Vicente LF., Losantos Pascual RJ. SUMMARY: Introduction: Trauma and stress related disorders are very common disorders that produce a high personal, economic and social cost. Objectives: To describe the stressful or traumatic events, the main personal and professional characteristics and diagnoses of the subjects evaluated by the Spanish Military Health Psychiatric Expert Medical Board who were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder related to an event. Design and Subjects: Cross-sectional observational study of members of the Spanish Armed Forces and the Spanish Civil Guard who attended the Psychiatric Expert Medical Board, during the period 2004-2010. Results: The most frequent type of event in the sample was called unpleasant or hostile work environment, related to gender a large majority of men was found, the average age at which the event happened was 34 years, the Spanish Civil Guard monopolized about 60% of the cases in the sample, the rank most frequently found was soldier, sailor or civil guard (OR-1) and PTSD was the main diagnosis. Conclusion: Has been found that stressful or traumatic events that most often led to different conditions of this group were: unpleasant or hostile work environment, accidents, terrorist attacks and the characteristics of the destination-conditions which cause job dissatisfaction. KEYWORDS: Trauma and stressor related disorders. Trauma. Stressor. Stress. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Adjustment disorder. Forensic psychiatry. 125 Yala-Yala: how was gastroenteritis like in Badghis (Afghanistan)? Planas Mirallas E., Tomé Rodríguez I., Gonçalves Sánchez F., Grañas Campillo A., Alfaro Torres E., Fernández Agudo A. SUMMARY: Introduction: Gastroenteritis is a common companion to troops deployed overseas since forever. However, its features are not fully known and there were no similar studies during the Spanish presence in Badghis. Objective: To describe qualities of gastroenteritis observed during one rotation of Military Health in Afghanistan. Material and Methods: Descriptive study reviewing all medical consultations in ROLE-1 of Qala-e-Naw during one rotation of Military Health (from May to July 2013) who met criteria for gastroenteritis (increased 2-3 times usual number of stools / 2 vomiting daily / 1 vomiting with fever or other gastrointestinal symptoms). Variables: gender, unit, start date, symptoms (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pain location, pathological products), treatment, hospitalization. Statistical analysis: SPSS 17.0. Outcomes: 892 troops registered (94.46% male), 135 consulting for gastroenteritis (89.4% male), prevalence of 15.34%. Prevalence by sex: men 14.35%, 28.57% among women (RR = 1.99, OR = 2.3867, 95% CI 1.88-3.01, p = 0.007). Pain: 54.1% (34.24% of them, focused), 53.3% nausea, vomiting 37.8%, diarrhea 93.3%, 1.5% pathological products and fever 11.1% (low fever 15.6%). Antibiotic therapy 8.1% and ROLE-1 income 8.9%. Normal distribution as start date, showing the fourth week peak deployment. Discussion: Observed prevalence of gastroenteritis is less than that reported in other publications. Distribution of symptoms attributable to the type of population, geographical area, preventive measures or loss cases not sought care. Peak at the onset of the disease and increased risk in women is consistent with other studies. Conclusion: New, more powerful studies should be designed to identify the characteristics of this disease in other parts of Spanish deployment. Keywords: Gastroenteritis, Travelers’ diarrhea, ROLE-1, Badghis, Afghanistan. PICTURE PROBLEM 131 Alveolar-interstitial and mixed bilateral diffuse pattern Chamizo Alarcón M., Callejón Peláez E., Molina Lopez-Nava P., Cuevas Ibañez A. HISTORY AND HUMANITIES 134 Discourse on Arms and Sciences: Medical Colonel D. Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929) Ponte Hernando FJ., Rego Lijó I., Álvarez Fernández de Arroyabe N., Mendes Franco RL., González Castroagudín S. SUMMARY: We review the life and scientific labour of Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929), following a timeline from his birth at Santiago de Compostela, passing through his stay at Barcelona, his intervention in the Spanish-American War, and also referring to his labour in Madrid and La Coruña. It is our intention to present, simultaneously, both his welfare and scientific-militar task and his civil academical activities. Despite the differences between medical and botanic methods and goals we manage to find -thanks to Laín and Albarracín- a nexus which could explain the devotion and ability of Casares for both sciences in the parallelism between species morborum and species planctarum, which was stablished by the famous clinic Thomas Sydenham, father of modern nosology. We also fixed the position of Antonio Casares in both, the Spanish and European Military Health, given that he was commissioned in foreign armies by the government and took part in the concert of national and international botanists. Since he was a hard worker, free of direct family obligations, if any, life and work get confused in his case almost completely. KEYWORDS: Bryophytes, Military medicine, Hygiene´s Institute., J.A.E., Royal Botanic Garden, Museum of Natural Sciences. SELECTING COMMUNICATIONS 147 XII National Congress Of Undergraduate Research In Health Sciences April 2016. Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 84  Sanid. mil. 2016; 72 (2)

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