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REVISTA IEEE 8 18 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 8 / 2016 Abstract The 21st century has already revealed how much the role of journalists in armed conflicts has evolved. Reporting still remains as the main task, but their perform implies also other important consequences within both public opinion -more reachable than ever thanks to new techno-logies- and the international organizations, what clearly recognize the usefulness of the information provided to reporters for the achievement of their duties. But the revitalization of journalism in armed conflict has a direct consequence: the increasing threats against their security. The UN Security Council recalled that the issue of protection of jour-nalists in armed conflict continues where it was a decade ago, when the Resolution 1738, the first one explicitly dedicated to this issue was adopted, and warns about the lack of States´ commitment to prevent it among reporters. It is necessary to rethink how can journalists pro-tect international peace, and how can international institutions protect journalists. Keywords Armed conflict, freedom of expression, information, journalism, pro-tection of civilians, war correspondent.

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