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Traducción efectuada por el GABINETE de TRADUCTORES e INTÉRPRETES DEL EME, registrada con el nº 17-0185 EVOLUTION AND EROSION........................................... 8 The article briefly reviews the evolution of the measures to control mass destruction weapons and lays out the deterioration of the international regime of non-proliferation which will lead to the rise of new nuclear powers, the appearance of a multipolar environment of deterrence, the deployment of vectors which will unbalance classic deterrence and the consolidation of cyber-deterrence. MILITARY HISTORY AND MILITARY CAREER................. 16 It tackles the most appropriate way to prepare for any practical activity which tries to solve new problems, which is, undoubtedly, what the military career intends to achieve. The first question is that the activity carried out by the practical man does not differ much from the activity carried out by the historian; the second, that their processes of thought share the same foundations; and, the third, that both processes must take into account both rationality and subjective factors. The conclusion is that the only way to prepare the soldier to make his own decisions is forcing him to be in the shoes of a historical personage while he is making right decisions. SOLDIERS AND MINSTRELS............................................ 24 An article of memories and nostalgias from the time the Task Force «Aragón» was deployed to Bosnia back in 1995, it tells us an episode from those days when, besides the patrols, the cold, the snow and the risk of an armed engagement with any of the sides at war, the visit to the zone of a famous Spanish singer is intermingled; despite his fame, he shared a performance with our soldiers, spontaneously and naturally, which left an indelible memory 126  REVISTA EJÉRCITO • N. 914 MAYO • 2017 REFLECTIONS ON THE ARMORED BRANCH................ 32 The article refers to the possible creation of an Armored Branch in our Army. In it, after the historical evolution of the use of the tank, the proper conditions which, within our Army, might have an influence on its creation are analyzed. CASTLE OF LA MOTA. A MODEL OF AN ARTILLERY FORTRESS..................................................................... 56 The construction of the Castle of La Mota, made of lime and pebbles concrete coated with bricks, started in the fifteenth century. The Catholic Monarchs turned it into a reference point for the use of the artillery at that time. And it was the prison of well-known personages. With a trapezoid floorplan, it has an open air enclosure rimmed by a low barbican for the artillery, and an indoor enclosure with several rooms and the Keep. When it was no longer needed, it fell into abandonment until it was declared National Monument in 1904. Since 1942 it was a School of the Women’s Section. Transferred to the Regional Government of Castile and Leon, it is used for cultural and touristic activities. ANNIVERSARY OF GODOY.......................................... 63 Few personages, like Manuel Godoy, have raised such controversy and, in no few occasions, a feeling of dislike and rejection through Spanish history. And yet, the so called Prince of the Peace, was a reformer who, at least in the military realm, carried out some improvements and a modernization of the armed forces which, in many aspects, the Spanish Army lacked. In this Document, we try to gather a series of military aspects referred to all the Branches which, inspired by Manuel Godoy, served to improve the effectiveness and efficacy of our Army and allowed it, years later, to confront the most powerful of the Armies of the time: the French Army commanded by Napoleon. ÉVOLUTION ET ÉROSION ............................................. 8 L’article reprend brièvement l’évolution des mesures de contrôle des armes de destruction massive et aborde le déclin du régime international de non-prolifération qui débouchera sur l’émergence de nouvelles puissances nucléaires, le surgissement d’un milieu de dissuasion multipolaire, le déploiement de vecteurs qui déséquilibrent la dissuasion classique et la consolidation de la cyber-dissuasion. HISTOIRE MILITAIRE ET MÉTIER MILITAIRE................. 16 Cet article aborde la manière la plus adéquate de se préparer à toute activité pratique afin de résoudre de nouveaux problèmes, but inéluctablement recherché par le métier militaire. La première question implique que l’homme pratique fait une activité semblable à celle de l’historien ; la deuxième suppose que ses schémas mentaux ont les mêmes principes ; et la troisième comprend que les deux procès antérieurs doivent tenir compte de la rationalité et des facteurs subjectifs. La conclusion est que la seule façon de préparer le militaire à sa propre prise de décision est de l’obliger, à plusieurs reprises, à être dans la peau d’un personnage historique pendant qu’il prend des décisions adéquates. SOLDATS ET TROUBADOURS ...................................... 24 Lourd de personnages et de nostalgies de l’époque du déploiement en Bosnie du groupement «Aragon» en 1995, le présent article narre un épisode d’alors au cours duquel, à part les patrouilles, les contrôles, le froid, la neige et le risque d’une rencontre armée avec l’une des parties en conflit, se mêle la visite d’un chanteur espagnol réputé à la zone. Cet artiste, en dépit de sa renommée, avec spontanéité et simplicité, a partagé une soirée avec nos soldats, laissant un souvenir inoubliable. SUMMARY SOMMAIRE

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