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805 number of victims. Well-prepared units, entities and organisms directed by excellent leaders are the most reliable means to face these latent threats. Investing in prevention and rehearsal are the best options when facing emergencies, but in most cases, it will not be enough. As a response to a crisis, the comprehensive approach together with derivative plans of updated basic civil defence standards, will lead to an effective resolution of the emergency. The Commander of an Emergency Unit will gradually shape his unit. By exercising his qualities as motivation or confidence, the Commander will become a leader and will apply the different types of leadership according to the phase of the emergency. The sum of this leadership and the sector leaders that he has prepared, is the key to success. Palabras clave: Liderazgo, emergencia, prevención, enfoque integral, confianza, motivación, ensayo, comunicación. Keywords: Leadership, emergency, prevention, comprehensive approach, confidence, motivation, rehearsal, communication. bie3 ůůşĚĞƌĂŶƚĞůĂƐĞŵĞƌŐĞŶĐŝĂƐ DŝŐƵĞůůĐĂŹŝnjŽŵĂƐ ŽĐƵŵĞŶƚŽĚĞKƉŝŶŝſŶ ϮϱͬϮϬϭϳ Ϯ

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