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RHM EXTRA 1 2017

102 ENRIQUE MARTÍNEZ RUIZ ABSTRACT In the present work an analysis is made of the military Ordinances that troops receive in the service of the Hispanic Monarchy throughout the XVI and XVII centuries, beginning with the texts emitted at the end of the XV century and beginnings of the XVI, point of departure of the ordinance work of Charles V, who owes the organization of the military system prevailing under the Habsburgs, a system based on the existence of what we have called the exterior army and the interior army, consolidated by Philip II and which will be maintained without so much efficacy and with difficulties in the XVII century. KEY WORDS: Ordinances and military instructions, Charles V, Philip II, XVIth and XVIIth centuries, army, Tercios. * * * * * Revista de Historia Militar, I extraordinario de 2017, pp. 102-134. ISSN: 0482-5748

RHM EXTRA 1 2017
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