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Cultura THE ENGLISH CORNER • It clearly contributes to a noticeable improvement in the 4 skills that the student has to face in an SLP2 or SLP3 exam: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, being the Reading skill the one that can take less advantage from this video format. Although we have focused this essay on face-to-face classes mainly, which include the figure of a teacher, war films can also be used in self- learning and assessment. If you don’t have a teacher, you can work on your own, or you can always have a funny group activity, and watch the films with some friends. The important issue is WORKING HARD ON THOSE FILMS, taking advantage of the multiple benefits they offer to us as we have previously seen. In the next number of Tierra newspaper we will see an example of a war film used to deal with SLP2 and SLP3 tasks. To be continued… RECOMMENDED LINKS How to prepare SLP: https://goo. gl/UshM6C Useful tool for use of TED Talks in language learning (different levels, learning activities). Login needed. (Note: contains Chinese symbols, but doesn’t affect browsing) VOCABULARY Face-to-face, no longer, feedback, enhance, key role, top-notch, dubbed, underscore. WATCH OUT Possessive adjectives who and that refer to people, whereas which and that are used for things. Special use of which: it is used after a comma to refer to the complete sentence that precedes it. E.g. “the students learnt a lot of English, which allowed them to get good posts.” MORAL Watching war films is a good and enjoyable option in foreign language learning. It is not necessary to understand the whole film or excerpt, that’s why it is better to see the original version with or without subtitles. The characters’ voices and intonation are fundamental tools in their performances and you can enjoy their acting much more. 72

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