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REVISTA IEEE 11 104 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 11 / 2018 MOHAMMADI, Majid. «Iranian University Students’ Politics in the Post-Reform Movement Era: A Discourse Analysis», Society of Iranian Studies, vol. 40 (5), 2007, pp. 623-634. Disponible en: MOSCA, Gaetano. The Ruling Class. Elementi di Scienza Politica, London: McGraw- Hill, 1939. OSANLOO, Arzoo. The politics of women’s rights in Iran, Woodstock: Princeton Uni-versity Press, 2009. Ó TUATHAIL, Gearóid. Critical geopolitics: the politics of writing global space, Lon-don: Routledge, 1996. PARETO, Vilfredo. The mind and Society, New York: Harcour, Brace and Company, 1935. PAYA, Ali, y GHANEIRAD, Mohammad. «Habermas and Iranian Intellectuals», So-ciety of Iranian Studies, vol. 40 (3), 2007, pp. 305-334. Disponible en: http:// 2007. RAKEL, Eva. The Iranian political elite, state and society relations, and foreign relations since the Islamic revolution, University of Amsterdam, 2008. RAKEL, Eva. «The Political Elite in the Islamic Republic of Iran: From Khomeini to Ahmadinejad», Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, vol. 29 (1), 2009. RAKEL, Eva. «The Role of Shi’ism in the Foreign Policy of the IRI», en Power, Islam and Political Elite in Iran. A Study on the Iranian Political Elite from Khomeini to Ahmadinejad. A Study on the Iranian Political Elite from Khomeini to Ahmadinejad, Leiden: Brill, 2009. RIZWAN, Snobra. «Religion, Ideology and Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Majlis-e-Hussain», Mathal, vol. 1 (1), 2011. Disponible en: http://ir.uiowa. edu/mathal/vol1/iss1/1. RUBIO-TERES, Pedro. «Political elites and state repression in Turkmenistan», Comil-las Journal of International Relations, vol. 9, 2017, pp. 62-83. Disponible en: https:// RUTI, Mari, «In search of defiant subjects: Resistance, rebellion, and political agency in Lacan and Marcuse», Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, vol. 19 (3), 2014. SILVERMAN, Kaja. World Spectators, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000, p. 14. SMYTH, Gareth. «A realignment of Iran’s political factions underway as elections loom», 2015, Tehran: The Guardian. Disponible en: https://www.theguardi-an. com/world/iran-blog/2015/dec/11/realignment-irans-political-factions-be-fore- 2017-elections.

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