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221 José Balsa Barreiro, Dieter Fritsch 3D Modelling of historic urban centres and… de los Arcos (Zamora) was detached due to the weight of the storks nests on top of them. This particular example is by no means an isolated case7, as this has become an increasingly frequent threat due to the changing habits of these birds8. In 2013, the interior of the sanctuary of A Virxe da Barca in Muxía (A Coruña), one of the most emblematic in Galicia, was struck by lightning and badly damaged by fire. The result of the rehabilitation works, at an estimated cost of € 750,0009, was widely rejected by the local inhabitants10. But in addition to threats due to natural causes, there are other direct anthropic threats or disturbances related in particular to situations of conflict. Some authors refer to the concept of urbicide (killing of the city), understood as the intensification of attacks on cities and/or their destruction. This concept was popularised by the former mayor of Belgrade (Serbia), Bogdan Bogdanovic, when referring to the constant siege and destruction of some of the main Balkan cities (Vukovar, Sarajevo, Mostar and Dubrovnik) during the Bosnian War (1992-1995) 11. Mazzucchelli12 points out that in this war the objectives were more symbolic than strategic in nature, in a context of confrontation between the rural world, representing the country’s own identity, and the urban world, representing the cosmopolitan and multicultural space of that same country. It is estimated that in Bosnian territory alone around 180 villages and 560 mosques were destroyed during this war13. 7  GENER, Mari P. «Un nido de cigüeña hunde el tejado y cae sobre la bóveda de la iglesia de Andosilla», Diario de Navarra, 20 January 2012, valdizarbe/un_nido_ciguena_hunde_tejado_cae_sobre_boveda_iglesia_andosilla_65848_1006.html (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). -: «Un nido pone en peligro el tejado de la iglesia de las Carmelitas de Peñaranda», La Gaceta de Salamanca, 20 January, 2017, penaranda-de-bracamonte/2017/01/20/nido-pone-peligro-tejado-iglesia-carmelitas/194892. html (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 8  REJON, Raúl. «La Iglesia declara a las cigüeñas una amenaza patrimonial para sus edificios», Eldiario, 18 February, 2016, 0_485751680.html (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 9  -: «Un rayo incendia el emblemático santuario de Muxía, en A Coruña», El País, 25 December, 2013, (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 10  A.M. «El santuario de Muxía estrena su nueva imagen ante la indignación de los vecinos», La Opinión de A Coruña, 26 December, 2015, santuario-muxia-estrena-nueva-imagen/940636.html (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). LADO, J. V.: «El naufragio de las obras de A Barca», La Voz de Galicia, 28 March, 2015, http://www.lavozdegalicia. es/noticia/carballo/muxia/2015/03/28/naufragio-obras-barca/0003_201503G28P16991.htm (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 11  FERNANDEZ-GALIANO, Luis. «Urbicidio balcánico», El País, 23 July, 1993, diario/1993/07/23/cultura/743378408_850215.html (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 12  MAZZUCCHELLI, Francesco. «Cuando la guerra mata a la ciudad», Esglobal, 11 April, 2012, (Date accessed: 15 March, 2017). 13  Ibid.

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