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307 Carlos Alberto Carravilla Gregorio Analysis of the situation of peace and… Another primary cause has been the historically destabilizing influence of transnational corporate interests, especially since 1929, when the Firestone Natural Rubber Company was granted a concession to create in Liberia the greatest exploitation of natural rubber in the world13. CURRENT POLITICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION IN LIBERIA: PERSISTENCE OF THE PRIMARY CAUSES OF THE LIBERIAN CIVIL WAR (1989-2003) The CPA, signed by the GRL, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), and the political parties in 200314 contains a paragraph relative to the historic social fracture in Liberia, key to understanding the necessities of the construction of peace in Liberia: «Committed to promoting an all-inclusive participation in governance and the advancement of democracy in Liberia, as well as promoting full respect for international humanitarian law and human rights»15. However, the 2008 report of the African Development Bank Group «The Middle of the Pyramid: Dynamics of the Middle Class in Africa», estimates that only 4.8 % of the population of Liberia may be considered middle class, the lowest percentage on the continent among countries for which data exist16. In 2015 the estimated maternal mortality rate, a fundamental indicator for the measurement of the general health of the population, or quality of life in a determined geographic area, was, in Liberia, that of 725 deaths/100,000 live births17, the eighth highest percentage in the world. In terms of the Human Development Index (HDI), the figures for Liberia are along the same lines. According to the document of the 13  Firestone, «Firestone and Liberia», Firestone, 2014. Available at: ttp://www.firestonenaturalrubber. com. Viewed: 06.04.2016. 14  United States Institute of Peace, Peace Agreements Digital Collection, Liberia, «Comprehensive Peace Agreement», United States Institute of Peace, 2003, p. 1, available at: default/files/file/resources/collection/peace agreement/liberia 08182003.pddf. Viewed: 06.04.2016. 15  United States Institute of Peace, «Peace Agreements Digital Collection, Liberia, Comprehensive Peace Agreement», United States Institute of Peace, 2003, p. 2, available at: 08182003. pdf 16  African Development Bank, «The Middle of the Pyramid: Dynamics of the Middle Class in Africa», African Development Bank, 2008, p. 22, available at: afdb/Documents/Publications/The%20Middle%29of%20the%20Pyramid_The%20Middle%20 of%20Pyramid.pdf.Viewed: 07.04.2016. 17  Central Intelligence Agency, «The World Factbook Liberia», Central Intelligence Agency, 2015, available at: 08.04.2016.

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