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Cultura THE ENGLISH CORNER DIEGE ZARAGOZA sional fields are handled effectively, and the candidates can convey and understand abstract concepts in topics such as defense and security, economics, science or technology. The ACCURACY (that is to say, the quality or acceptability of the use of language) is really high at this level. However, some flaws may occur, mainly when using highly complex structures or formal style. These errors seldom disturb a native audience, or distort the meaning. Speaking and writing are natural and effective, and the use of different structures or devices is flexible, although style is obviously non-native. Understanding of written and spoken language is solid, and misunderstanding is rare. WATCH OUT • Purpose: So that… • Contrast: Whereas…. • Cause and effect: Hence the need to (verb)… vs. Hence the need for (noun)…. MORAL: Professional level involves creative and abstract thinking for functions such as supporting opinion, or hypothesizing, hence the need to prepare for the test with materials which are apt for this purpose: opinion articles, essays, debates or talks about the above-mentioned topics. Be updated about current events, but do not just stick to the facts, try to have an opinion on them and read between the lines. RECOMMENDED LINKS Professional level test info : • Grammar consults: • English speaking media (opinion articles and current events, also available through El Rincón de los Idiomas) • • DECARGUE AQUÍ LA APP ET ORIENTA 71

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