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Cultura The English Corner DIEGE ZARAGOZA tasks corresponding to your presumed working level (the “floor” where you are on solid ground), and then, they will probe your performance with tasks in the next higher level, to see where your “ceiling” is. Therefore, the key to success is to detect which task you are being requested, and to respond with the appropriate language for each of them. The testers will rate your performance in terms of TASK (what you can/cannot do with language), CONTENT (what you can/cannot speak about) ACCURACY (how well you can do it). 3. - WIND DOWN And that’s it! After a number of questions and answers, the testers will feel that they have enough sample. They will then dismiss you in a polite way, with a nonrelevant question or comment, so that you leave the room in a good mood. RECOMMENDED LINKS Rating criteria for each level: • http://webmadoc2/ milipedia/rinconIdioma/index. php?title=Gu%C3%ADas_de_ correcci%C3%B3n_de_tribunales_ expresi%C3%B3n_oral Useful guide with examples of different tasks, and their rating: • (Internet) • (Intranet) MORAL All the questions asked during the interview have a clear purpose: to test a specific task. If you are asked about a past event, speak using past tenses. Likewise, if you are prompted to describe something, or someone, give the testers a full, detailed description, and if the question is about your opinion, do elaborate good arguments to support it, beyond mere facts. VOCABULARY See and check underlined words WATCH OUT See and check useful expressions in bold 71

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