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Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 299 a 323 315 Luis Manuel Brás Bernardino & Álvaro António Moreira dos Santos The portuguese... the Indonesian occupation. Portugal, on the other hand, saw its diplomatic efforts on the Timorese question recognised by the international community48. From this first agreement resulted two Cadre Programmes which included five coo-peration projects: • Project 1_ Support for the organisation and creation of the legislative base of the higher Defence and F-FDTL structures, and sectoral advice to the National De-fence and the F-FDTL Command and Staff. • Project 2_ Support for the organisation of the naval component and the Hera Na-val Base, providing technical training to the garrisons of the “Albatros” launches. • Project 3_ Support for the organisation of the terrestrial component and of the Metinaro Instruction Centre as well as the general training of the F-FDTL con-tingent. • Project 4_ Training of F-FDTL cadres, support for the training of officers and non-commissioned officers (since no specific body was created for this project, its objectives were included in project 3) • Project 5_ Training in Portugal, in units, establishments and military training centres, at the Institute of Advanced Military Higher Studies (IAEM) and at the National Defence Institute (NDI)49. For that purpose, Portugal sent some 300 military personnel to East Timor up to the end of 2014 who conducted regular training courses as well as promotional and advanced level courses to over 600050 F-FDTL soldiers. East Timor sent up to fifty members of the F-FDTL to Portugal between 2006 and 2011, where they received training in different bodies and venues51. In 2011, a new cooperation agreement was signed expanding defence relations, in-cluding the integration of F-FDTL soldiers into Portuguese contingents posted abroad in peace missions under the auspices of the UN, and the joint development of projects in the fields of defence economics and maritime issues52. This agreement would result in a new cadre programme with new cooperation projects, in particular support for the creation of the of the President of the Republic’s Military Headquarters, support 48  JUNQUEIRA, João P. R.; PIRES, Rui M. S. O Exército nos trilhos da Cooperação, Lisboa: Secção de Cooperação Militar e Alianças do Gabinete do General Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército, 2009, p. 120. 49  IAEM: Instituto de Altos Estudos Militares; IDN: Instituto da Defesa Nacional. 50  This approximate number refers to the members of the military present in the different CTM, activities, with some F-FDTL members participating in more than one form of instruction: promotional, upgrading or refresher training courses. 51  MINISTÉRIO DA DEFESA NACIONAL DE PORTUGAL. Anuário Estatístico de Defesa Nacional, Lisbon, 2001-2014. 52  PORTUGAL. «Resolution of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic no. 111/2012». Lisbon, 8 June 2012.

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