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Cultura The English Corner DIEGE ZARAGOZA NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS Rationale One of the typical tasks in SLP tests is giving instructions, or directions. This should be understood in a broad sense. Giving advice is somehow similar to giving instructions. Being so close to Christmas time, we hereby include an article meant for a dual purpose: to give an example of vocabulary and resources for the mentioned task, and to give real cues about what to do if you have decided (again) to start studying English. Christmas time is close… again.Some typical things about this season are carols, presents, Christmas trees, Santa Claus… and New Year’s Resolutions. We all have lots of plans and good intentions to enter the year making significant changes in our lifestyle or our behaviour. Many of these goals have to do with healthy habits, as well as with resuming things we previously abandoned. All of us have, at some point, decided to start a diet, enrol in a gym…or re-start studying languages for the hundredth time, haven’t we? The bad news is that, according to statistics, the vast majority of us quit from these well-intentioned plans within the first month. For those of you who are New Year’s Resolutions quitters, you can find below some tips to help you stick to your decisions. Try to follow the following instructions: 1.- BE REALISTIC Choose a goal that is doable and achievable. It does not mean that you shouldn’t be ambitious, but too big steps often end up in frustration. If you decide to undertake English (or French) lessons, think about your target level and go for it. 2.- FIND MOTIVATION Your resolution will for sure involve an effort. Therefore, be sure that you have good reasons to make that effort, and that the goal excites you. Also, think about all the ways to make it possible. Make a list of things that will facilitate your road to success. Are you looking forward to getting an assignment abroad? You’ll need 78

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