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208 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 13 / 2019 continent. It is not a matter of option. Perhaps this necessity will finally incite the EU to exercise its soft power and to act in a realistic and truly integral and comprehensive way as the geopolitical actor it is, instead of adopting a multilateralism which is more “loquens” than “eloquens”111 as in the sense of Cato’s adage “vir bonus dicendi peritus”. Bibliography ABUKHAIL, Assad. “The 8 proxy wars going on in Syria right now”, The Huffington Post, 24 November 2014. Available at: (consulted on: 13 February 2018). ARQUILLA, John y RONFELDT, David. In Athena’s Camp. Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 1997. Available at: (consulted on: 2 May 2018). –  Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2001. Available at: (consulted on: 2 May 2018). BAGAJI, Ali Yusufu et al. “Boko Haram and the Recurring Bomb Attacks in Nige-ria: Attempt to Impose Religious Ideology through Terrorism?”, Cross-cultural Communication, vol.8, n.1, 2012, pp.33-41. Available at: http://www.cscanada. net/index.php/ccc/issue/view/162 (consulted on: 2 May 2018). BALLESTEROS, MARTÍN, Miguel, Ángel. Yihadismo. Madrid: La Huerta Grande, 2017. –  Diagnóstico geoestratégico del conflicto en Malí. Instituto Español de Estudios Es-tratégicos, Documento de Análisis. n.14,Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid, 2013. BALLINA, Santiago. “The Crime–Terror Continuum Revisited: A Model for the Study of Hybrid Criminal Organizations”, Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, n. 6, 2011, pp.121-136. BAUMANN, Zygmund. “Times of Interregnum”, Ethics and Global Politic. vol.5, n.1, 2012, pp.49-56. Available at: (consulted on: 2 May 2018). BECK, Ulrich. Sobre el terrorismo y la Guerra. Barcelona: Paidos, 2003. BERGEN, Peter et al. “Jihadist Terrorism 16 years after 9/11, a Threat Assesment”, New America, 11 de Septiembre de 2017. Available at: internationalsecurity (consulted on: 2 May 2018). 111  In reference to the positive rhetorical viewpoint of Marco Flavio Quintiliano, as he expresses it in book XI of his work “Institutio Oratoria”, in 90-96 AD (see PENNACCINI, Adriano. Quintiliano, Insitutio Oratoria. Milano: Giulio Einaudi, 2001). Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 181 a 212

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