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IDIOMAS VOCABULARY / VOCABULAIRE Skills: habilidades. Indéniable: innegable. Apport: aportación. Aussi: también. Affectations: destinos. Insight: visión. To acknowledge: reconocer. Engagement: tomar contacto con. is a rare and valuable privilege. For spea- kers of a foreign language, immersion in a military environment is the best opportunity for improvement. I believe that the students enjoyed sharing their military experiences with me, improving their mi- litary vocabulary and learning about the differences and similarities between our Nations and our Armies. Capt. Martin Evans (UK Army) My experience of the language exchange between the UK and Spain has been fantastic. The students learning Spanish in the UK have definitely benefitted greatly from the visiting Spanish Officer, and I hope that I have paid that benefit back to the English students in Zaragoza. I personally have improved my Spanish greatly through the exchange and have gained an invaluable insight into how the Spanish Army trains its personnel. Lt. Col. Manuel Arriví (Sp. Army) After completing two weeks teaching Spanish at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom located at Shrivenham I want to thank the personnel of the Defence Centre for Languages and Culture for welcoming me so readily. It was a remarkable experience to meet a group of Officers and NCOs who were highly motivated to learn Spanish. All of them will be posted to a Spanish speaking country. I must acknowledge that their progression during the duration of the course was incredibly fast. Additionally, I want to highlight the importance of having Spanish military personnel teaching in foreign mili- tary academies as it allows us to gain in- fluence and engagement with other armies. These activities not only help us learn diffe- rent cultures but also improve our know- ledge on other armies and their military personnel which is another motivation to keep studying foreign languages. Ces activités nous aident non seulement à apprendre différentes cultures, mais également à améliorer notre connaissance des autres armées et de leur personnel militaire, ce qui cons-titue une motivation supplémentaire pour continuer à étudier les langues étrangères. ¢ Para saber más de las Academias de West Point (Estados Unidos), Sandhurst (Reino Unido) y Saint-Cyr (Francia): our-schools-and-colleges/rma-sandhurst/ 1 École Militaire des Langues (EMID, en espagnol) 43

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