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Doctrina Key words: administrative penalty, penalties, prohibitions of contract, LA PROTECCIÓN DEL PERIODISTA: EL CASO DE SIRIA. Dra. Isabel García García Resumen: Hoy en día los periodistas que trabajan en Siria se encuen-tran ante grandes dificultades para poder desempeñar su trabajo. Además de la amenaza que viven en un país en conflicto con escasa cultura de li-bertad de información, los grupos yihadistas utilizan su secuestro y muerte como forma de expandir su retórica. El marco jurídico que regula su pro-tección ha sufrido algunos cambios y la comunidad internacional vuelve a poner de relieve el peligro al que se enfrentan no obstante, el futuro de las medidas que se buscan adoptar aún parece incierto. Palabras Clave: Periodista/ libertad de información/ marco jurídico/ Abstract: Today, journalists working in Syria are facing great diffi-culties to carry out their work. Besides the threat of working in a country in conflict with little culture of freedom, the journalists have to deal with jihadist groups that use kidnapping and murder as a way of expanding their rhetoric. The legal framework, which regulates journalist-protection, has suffered some changes and although the international community is beco-ming aware of the situation, the future of these measures is still uncertain. SISTEMA TRADICIONAL DE RESOLUCIÓN DE DISPUTAS EN AFGANISTÁN. D. Javier Palacios Blanco Abstract: Traditional Dispute Resolution Systems in Afghanistan A traditional system for the resolution of disputes has been in place in Afghanistan for centuries. However, on account of its archaic nature, so far removed from our Western standards, we have never appreciated it as a viable, respectable or useful mechanism. The traditional Afghan system collides with the principles of legality, most particularly with regard to criminal matters, and the monopoly of jus puniendi by the State. But throughout Afghanistan, this system is part of tradition. It is effec-tive, fast and economical, and the Afghan people trust in this system for the resolution of conflicts and disputes. The formal resolution of disputes before the courts following this system is constitutional, legal and respect- 11 termination of contract. protección. Revista Española de Derecho Militar. Núm. 103, enero-junio 2015

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