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MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS N.º 90 SISTEMAS DE TELECOMUNICACIÓN E INFORMACIÓN 44 Siglas AEP Application Environment Profile AMF Airborne Maritime Fixed API Application Programming Interface BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CF Core Framework CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architectura COTS Commercial Off The Shelf DMR Digital Modular Radio DoD Department of Defense DSP Digital Signal Processor ESSOR European Secured Software Defined Radio Referencial ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array GPP General Purpose Preprocessor HF High Frequency HDR WF High Data Rate Waveform ICNIA Integrated Communication, Navigation, Identification and Avionics IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers JPEO Joint Program Executive Office JPO Joint Program Office JTR Joint Tactical Radio JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System MMITS Modular Multifunction Information Transfer Systems OCCAR Organisation Conjointe de Cooperation en matiere d’ARmement) OMG Object Management Group OS Operating System OSI Open Systems Interconnection POSIX Portable Operating System Interface RF Radiofrecuencia SAD Software Assembly Descriptor SCA Software Communications Architecture SCD Software Component Descriptor SDR Software Defined Radio SPD Software Package Descriptor SR Software Radio UHF Ultra High Frequency USS United States Ship VHF Very High Frequency WDS Waveform Designe Specification WF Waveform

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