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Abstract 128 QUADERNUM HISTORIAE VIII: CHARTER, PRIVILEGES, EXEMPTIONS: ARTILLERY PECULIARITIES All of us know the kind of rivalry that, since our origins as part of the armies, has existed between artillery people and the rest of branches and specialties, and particularly with Infantry. This rivalry – mostly healthy and hearty – emerged, mainly, as a consequence of certain privileges and exemptions which were exclusive of the Artillery branch. THE SUPER-SIZED ARTILLERY CANNONS (VI): FRENCH SUPER SIZED CANNONS The use of powder to deliver projectiles through wrought iron tubes, sparked panic among Christians “… and represented a great fear at that time as a new invention for combat…” (As Zurita writes in his Aragon annals. Alicante siege, 1331), or “…and they delivered many iron bomblets launched with thunders that were feared in horror by Christians…” (As Condé writes in his History of the Arab invasion. Algeciras siege, 1342-44). If this dread and fear, these distinguished historians talk about, was produced by 20 to 30 kg projectiles, delivered by primitive bombards, what kind of terror would 300 or 400 kg stone balls produce, noisily flying through the air, and delivered by supersized cannons?. History Moral values FROM SECOND LIEUTENANT TO FIRST LIEUTENANT. BIG OR SMALL STEP? This article is mainly addressed to Second Lieutenant Cadets of the Artillery School, and it has a double intention. On the one hand, I intend to tell my personal experience as an Artillery First Lieutenant (one more among so many), in order that Second Lieutenants can have further information about what they are going to face in an Artillery Unit nowadays. On the other hand, throughout my personal experience I intend to link with the second goal, which will be to answer the title of the article.

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