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Revista española de Defensa. English edition 17

The Revista Española de Defensa – English edition is a periodical published by the Spanish Ministry of Defense. It is the English version of the well-known Spanish title, which has been successfully published for more than thirty years. The unit responsible for elaborating its content is the Directorate of Institutional Communication of the Defense. The present issue is the most recent Official Publication of the Ministry of Defense, whose first issue was released in 2019.

It is intended to make known to all citizens, and therefore to all types of public, whatever is related to the activities of the Spanish Armies. Its pages become a perfect symbiosis of communication and dialogue between the members of the Armed Forces and the civil population they provide a constant service. Its sections are varied and include Interview, International, Armed Forces, Anniversary, Perspective, Analysis. It is published on paper and online (pdf) and may be consulted in the App Revistas de Defensa provided for this purpose.

  • Número de revista: 17
  • ISSN: 2695-6292
  • EAN: 9772695629002 03017
  • NIPO: 083-21-179-8
  • Fecha de publicación: 2/12/2024
  • Año de edición: 2024
  • Autor/a: Oficina de Comunicación del Ministerio de Defensa
  • Editor: Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaría General Técnica.
  • Número de páginas: 60
  • Tamaño: 16,9 MB
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Periodicidad: Cuatrimestral



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It is intended to make known to all citizens, and therefore to all types of public, whatever is related to the activities of the Spanish Armies. Its pages become a perfect symbiosis of communication and dialogue between the members of the Armed Forces and the civil population they provide a constant service. Its sections are varied and include Interview, International, Armed Forces, Anniversary, Perspective, Analysis. It is published on paper and online (pdf) and may be consulted in the App Revistas de Defensa provided for this purpose.

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It is intended to make known to all citizens, and therefore to all types of public, whatever is related to the activities of the Spanish Armies. Its pages become a perfect symbiosis of communication and dialogue between the members of the Armed Forces and the civil population they provide a constant service. Its sections are varied and include Interview, International, Armed Forces, Anniversary, Perspective, Analysis. It is published on paper and online (pdf) and may be consulted in the App Revistas de Defensa provided for this purpose.

Número de revista 17
ISSN 2695-6292
EAN 9772695629002 03017
NIPO 083-21-179-8
Fecha de publicación 2/12/2024
Año de edición 2024
Autor/a Oficina de Comunicación del Ministerio de Defensa
Editor Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaría General Técnica.
Número de páginas 60
Tamaño 16,9 MB
Idioma Inglés