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381 Felipe Santos Rodríguez Strategic communication in modern conflicts : Afganistan of this goal.60 The objectives put forward by McChrystal brought about some operational recom-mendations, in order to achieve effective strategic communication: 1. Culture Change. Strategic communication “should not be a separate a course in its operations, but should be fully be an integrated part in the development of its politics, its planning processes as well as execution of its operations.” It should consist of “a credible dialogue, not a monologue” one-way street, where messages are to be transmitted to the population more effectively. Strategic communication must also be concerned with how these messages are to be received. “Receive, comprehend and change their behavior as a result of how these messages are received by its audience. It may be an effective way to obtain genuine trust and credibility.” 2. Winning the perception battle. The focus should be to get the Afghan government to be perceived as a credible institution: “our policies and actions should reflect this reality”, for example in the protection of its civilians. 3. It should build up on the Afghan communication capability so that their messages can be delivered throughout the region. 4. Increase the range of the messages. Either by facilitating the Afghans access to telecommunications as well as information via television and radio. Or through more traditional channels, such as local tribal leaders and that enjoy great credibility. In this sense, the perspective of the messages should be thought out from an Afghan point of view. Also the use of new media technology should be a priority. 5. Offensive IO (Information Operations). It’s all about building a capacity to neutralize the information and propaganda activities of the insurgents. It is a must that they act where the insurgents are more likely to make mistakes, for example indiscriminate violence and terror that cause civilian casualties, destroys infrastructure and development projects, as well as all behavior that clearly violates the Koran. One is the use of IEDs, wherein these explosive devices can cause substantial civilian casualties. In order to enhance these capacities, SratCom will have a direct contact with intelligence organizations. 6. An agile response to these incidents. They should be the “first to bring out the truth”. 7. StratCom capacity should be structured through the chain of command of ISAF. It includes resources provided by IOTF (Information Operation Task Force), IOATF (Information Operation Advisory Task Force), Media Monitoring, STRATCOM Information Fusion Network and CAPSTONE contracts. The StratCom capacities, 60  ROCHA, F. y OTERO, J. El factor cultural: una nueva estrategia impulsada por EEUU en Afganistán. Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 22/2010, p. 2.

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