Editorial - La rabia: perspectiva actual


BRIEF COMMUNICATION 231 Internal hernia of Quain as a cause of acute abdomen Garcia-Oria Serrano MJ., Muñoz de la Fuente A., Peraza Casajús JM., Bodega Quiroga I., Martínez Pozuelo A., Serrano Muñoz A. SUMMARY: We present the case of a 47-year-old gravida 2, para 2, with previous 2 caesarean sections. The patient presented to our hospital with a chief complaint of diffuse continuous abdominal pain and vomiting. Her lower abdomen had tender-ness and was slightly distended. The patient had no fever and was hemodynamically stable. The laboratory test showed an elevated white blood cell count with a left shift. Plain abdominal X-rays showed a lightly prominent small bowel loops in the left upper quadrant. CT scan suggests the possibility of intestinal torsion. At this stage, we elected to perform an urgent lap-aroscopic exploration. We discovered 25 cm of ileum strangulated through a defect in the right broad ligament of the uterus. Resection of the necrotic small bowel loop, and closure of the broad ligament were performed. The patient was discharged from the hospital on day 11, with no postoperative complications. KEY WORDS: Internal hernia, Broad ligament, Intestinal Obstruction, Laparoscopy. TECHNICAL NOTE 234 Positive assessment of drugs: 3er quarter 2011 Cabanes Mariscal MA., Sánchez López P., Puerro Vicente M., García Luque A. SUMMARY: The drugs assessed by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products made public in the third quarter of 2012, and considered of interest to the healthcare professional, are reviewed. These are positive technical reports prior to the authorization and placing on the market of the product. REPORTS 238 The role of Military Health Service in Aircraft Accident Investigation Rios Tejada F., Puente Espada B. SUMMARY: Aircraft Accident Investigation means a complex task in order to identify the major causes which lead to the mishap. Investigation process end in a technical report, which encloses a large amount of information and data gathering doc-umentation, to be studied, analyzed and lines of inquiry established to finally produce the appropriate conclusions. Medical, psychological, environmental, psychosocial and ergonomic faces of the investigation are framed in the so called human fac-tors, which actually leads to 60-80% of the causal factors of accidents. In this report we have reviewed the legal basis in which the CITAAM is supported, competencies, organization and composition, general functions and specifically responsibilities of the medical representative in the board. Since the establishment of the CITAAM in 1994 the experience accumulated has been very wide-ranged and we show some statistical data and work produced in education and instruction, as well as the national and international relationships mostly in the NATO frame. KEY WORDS: Aircraft Accident Investigation, Aircraft Accident Investigation Board, Human Factors, Forensic Medicine, Aircraft Mishap, Aviation Medicine. PICTURE PROBLEM 243 Pain in the mesogastrium and right hypochondrium in a 71-year-old woman Valdés Fernández MªB., Guevara Vásquez B., García-Oria Serrano MJ. 245 Dermatosis in «Canis familiaris» Galán Torres JA HISTORY AND HUMANITIES 247 1925: when we became great again… medical support in the Alhucemas landing Navarro Suay R., Plaza Torres JF. SUMMARY: The Alhucemas landing was a military operation carried out in the Rif area between the 8th September and the 13th October of 1925, by Spanish and French military units against Riffian forces. It ended with the Riffians’ defeat and the occupation and total pacification of the Spanish Protectorate. It is considered the first combined-joint landing in military history and served as the basis to plan the Normandy landings during the Second World War. This article describes the land, naval and air medical support, the medical preparation of the deployment and landing, the logistics, evacuation and casualties suffered by the Spanish contingent during this operation. KEY WORDS: Medical Service, landing, Alhucemas, military hospital, casualties, evacuation. 8TH NATIONAL CONGRESS OF NURSING DEFENSE 257 Selection of Oral Communications REFEREES FOR THE REVISTA SANIDAD MILITAR IN 2012 SUBJECT INDEX. VOLUME 68 (2012) AUTHOR INDEX. VOLUME 68 (2012) INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 200 Sanid. mil. 2012; 68 (4)

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