The content of the sixth edition of the Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts (“GOC”) is organized in an introductory chapter dealing with The role of the major powers in current conflicts and specifically with the following subjects about War between states? Balance of power and realistic logic?;the jihadist terrorism in Morocco; Lybia; the arab-israeli conflict;Lebanon; Syria; the imminent defeat of the islamic state in Iraq; Burkina Faso: post-crisis stabilization process;the lake Chad Basin; Burundi: ambition for power instigates ethnic violence; the Cabinda enclave; Central Asia, the fought-over bridge between Asia and Europe; El Salvador: a state that is unwilling to fail; Bangladesh, a vulnerable country at risk of radicalization and Islamic radicalism in Indonesia.
Some of the clashes and disputes that take place today in these countries and regions are long lasting, others, however, are more recent. The work aims, in all cases, to offer the public an explanation of the origins, motivations and peculiar characteristics of each case. As is easy to understand, the reader interested in the follow-up and evolution of these issues will have to take into account the evolution after the closing of this document.
The authors of the 2016 Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts (“GOC”), faithful to the style of the publication, do not intend to be exhaustive in the complex analysis of some of these cases, especially in those that can evolve quickly, but to show the essential axes that allow the reader to learn about the history of the conflict, the current situation, the role played in each case by external agents and propose a conclusion as well as a perspective of future evolution.