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578 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 2 / 2013 missions falls under the remit of the respective chiefs of staff: the Army Chief of Staff (JEME), the Navy Chief of Staff (AJEMA) and the Air Force Chief of Staff (JEMA), under the supervision of the Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD). The three forces cons-titute a single System of Spanish Defence (SDE), which is structured around their specific doctrines and fields of action, in order to meet security and defence needs by means of a joint economic strategy, with strength pooled and community action un-dertaken among EU member states with their respective military capabilities. 7. INNOVATION STEMMING FROM KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH Bueno30 states that “in the new international geopolitical order, the process of innovation is what allows a dynamic to be created for the evolving nature thereof and enables sustainable development to be achieved in the coming decades”. Innovation is advancement applied to technological development as a result of research. A company will remain faithful to this principle as it seeks to improve through innovation, since the life cycles of products are getting shorter, clients more demanding and competition fiercer and these very same technological advances speed up the improvement process31. The “act of innovating” accelerates the construction of a new economic model based on a sequence of knowledge connections between the scientific world, technology and society or between agents and institutions32. The Defence Technology and Innovation Strategy (ETID) contributes to the centralisation of knowledge management for research and development (R&D) activities, the prioritisation of strategic technological capacities, and the planning of R&D activities. The most relevant objectives pursued are: (1) research and technology (R&T) activities and technological innovation; and, (2) coordination and cooperation between agents for defence R&T activities. These considerations point to challenges and give certain bodies of the Ministry of Defence, such as the Directorate-General of Armament and Equipment (DGAM), the role of agents within the National System of Technological Innovation. In the same vein, scientific development is guaranteed by knowledge and research, promoting the participation of SMEs, universities and research institutes in defence R&T. The Directorate-General of Armament and Equipment33 defines six Functional Areas of Action (FAA) that link Research and Technology (R&T) to military needs, 30  BUENO, E., 2011, pp. 175, op.cit. 31  BRIONES, A.J. AND LABORDA, F., 2010, op.cit. 32  BUENO, E. “La Sociedad del Conocimiento: Una realidad inacabada”, in Micheli, J.; Medellín, E.; Hidalgo, A. and Jassó, J. (Coordinators). Conocimiento e Innovación: Retos de la Gestión Empresarial, Plaza y Valdés, Mexico, 2008, pp. 25-55. 33  DGAM, Estrategia de Tecnología e Innovación para la Defensa ETID-2010, Technical Secretariat General, Ministry of Defence;, 2010, pp. 72.

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