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Unión europea, Espacio Europeo de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia, Tra-tado de Lisboa, seguridad y defensa común The evolution of common security and defence in the European Union is analyzed in this article, from the constituent treaties to the present. The role played by NATO during the incorporation of security and defence to the European integration process, as well as the fall of the Soviet block, with the disappearance of the militar menace brought about by the Cold War, are some of the aspects raised in this article. The achievement of a permanent peace was one of the main reasons that impulsed the formation of the European Communities. Finally, with the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon, common security and defence have beenn fuly incorporated to the legal frame of the European Union. The European Area of Freedom, Security and Defence has become a key mechanism in the development of a continental security. European Union, European Area of Freedom, security and Justice, Treaty of Lisbon, common defence and security

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