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Abstract 138 Recent News, Trends and Insights in Artillery TRENDS IN ARTILLERY ◊  The most significant trends in Field Artillery are: implementing the network fires concept, boosting joint capabilities, developing and acquiring precision ammunition, consolidating rocket artillery, using the gun itself both as a weapon system and a fire unit, enhancing target acquisition capabilities and effect assessment, and integrating mortars in field artillery units. ◊  As for antiaircraft artillery, the trends are: having a single package of forces in the armed forces, integrating them into national and NATO air defence systems, interoperability, continuing with the implementation of the network fires concept, having a multi-layered defence, improving airspace control management in operational units, and contributing to missile defence. Training and use LASER GUIDED BOMBS This article analyses laser guided bombs delivered from aircraft, with a short historical introduction to them. It describes their features, types, and attack profiles. ANTIRADIATION MISSILE DEFENCE This article compares the capabilities of a specific Spanish Antiaircraft system, the 35/90 cannon, with current antiradiation missile systems capabilities. From this study, we can draw some conclusions which will affect the internal procedures of established antiaircraft units, especially regarding their emissions control plan and combat in an electronic warfare environment. ANTIAIRCRAFT CANNON ARTILLERY, AN ELEMENT THAT IS A MUST As we are aware that the future of our antiaircraft artillery must be based on capable and modern missile systems, there is no doubt that our cannon systems will continue providing complementary capabilities, which will allow fighting against an increasingly complex and varied air threat, precisely those points where missiles may have more limitations. These added capabilities will become a must in the air defence structure of the future. THE STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR. WHO CONTROLS IT? A STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL VIEW. In this article the maritime borders of the Strait of Gibraltar are defined and specified. At the same time, the article looks into the points either in dispute or ill-defined on both shores. Also, it analyses the importance of the Strait in Spanish strategic plans, details the agencies that control it, and the capabilities of the neighbouring countries.

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