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497 Esther del Campo García The armed forces and public opinion in latin america DIAGRAM 2 LEVELS OF TRUST IN VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS Catholic Church Armed Forces President Local Government National Government Supreme Court Congress Political Parties Source: Pérez (2012),17 based on LAPOP, 2010. Only the Catholic Church enjoys a higher level of trust (63.7%) than that of the military. The level of trust in the armed forces is much higher than that enjoyed by other institutions. In fact, it is almost double that of political parties (35%) and it is 15 percentage points higher than levels given for parliament (45.1%). These high levels of trust reflect two factors that have characterised democratisation in the region: first of all, that armed forces have ceased to affect public policies directly and that they have 17  O.J. Pérez (2012), Las relaciones cívico-militares desde la perspectiva de la opinión pública Civilian- Military Relations from a Public Opinion Perspective, 5th Latin American Congress on Public Opinion, Bogotá (Colombia).

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