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502 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 4 / 2014 On the other hand, however, the correlation between trust in the armed forces and satisfaction with democracy could mirror the correlation with support for the political system. That is to say that the greater the satisfaction with democracy, the higher the level of trust in the armed forces, since these represent one of the most significant parts of the institutional landscape of a democratic state and, furthermore, they reflect the progress made in the region in terms of constitutional and democratic scrutiny of the armed forces. DIAGRAM 4 PREDICTORS FOR LEVEL OF TRUST IN THE ARMED FORCES High Source: LAPOP AmericasBarometer. Source: Pérez (2012),23 based on LAPOP 2010. We can observe that the four variables that gauge opinions on action taken by the armed forces are statistically significant and in the direction that would be expected. 23  O.J. Pérez (2012), op. cit., p. 10. Low

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