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543 Ignacio Cartagena Núñez Keeping credibility simulation exercises have been organized from China, India and ASEAN countries since 2002. Officials form China, India ASEAN and central Asian countries have been benefiting from training in emergency preparedness and since 2006 high ranking officials from China, India, Thailand and Indonesia have participated in IEA committees and board meetings. Nevertheless, there are still difficulties that priority cooperation countries should overcome in the process of adopting CERM mechanisms, depending on their position in the energy sector, their different degree of political and socioeconomic openness and previous cooperation experiences with IEA and other economic fora. Brazil is a net oil exporter and one of the major non-OPEC producers of crude oil. The country’s potential contribution to IEA emergency response and the sharing of energy data could be sensitive due to the classified nature of some of them. China is fully aware of the importance of gas and oil stocks and over the last years it has engaged in the building up strategic oil stocks and storage efforts. Information on such strategic stocks, like in the previous case, is not always publicly available. Nevertheless, China already cooperates on providing energy statistics in several frameworks, notably the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and JODI oil and gas questionnaires. The IEA’s relationship with India on energy security is arguably the most advanced among the Partner countries. A memorandum of understanding was signed in 2011 on Co-operation on Oil and Gas Security, aiming at approaching India to IEA’s collective action on energy security. With Indonesia, prospects for fulfillment of the provisions on energy security look positive, the country having already participated in a number of Energy Reviews with other IEA Member countries. On the contrary, to date, the IEA has had very limited co-operation with Mexico and Russia in the field of energy security, their situation as a net oil producers being similar to the one of Brazil.

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