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REVISTA_IEEE_10 238 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 The proposal to include the security of our land routes and land transport as another aspect of the Spanish National Security Law is the thesis defended by Maria del Carmen Girón, head of the International Relations Department of the General Directorate of Traffic in her article An analysis of the National Security Law in Spain as a comprehensive security law. Proposal to include security on land routes as an area of special interest for national security. For this author, the specific inclusion of the Security of Land Routes as an area of ​​special interest for National Security and the Security of Mobility and Land Transport can make a contribution towards devising new patterns of thinking in relation to national and international security strategies. Finally, the Commander and Chief of Operations of the General Staff of the Canary Islands Naval Command, Adolfo García Quintela, offers an analysis of national and community maritime policy in its adaptation to globalisation and new threats. His article The evolution of maritime policy in the European Union and Spain: from “safety” to “security” revises current policy and raises the need to regulate maritime activity and adapt it to the new global framework. This edition concludes with reviews of two interesting works published in 2016 and 2015 respectively: The first looks at the content and contextualization of the work of Paul Rogers, Irregular war: ISIS and the new threat from the margins and the second focuses on the great hegemon of today: Following the Leader. Ruling China from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping, by David M. Lampton.

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