journal - Introduction to issue 10 of the IEEE - Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín


237 JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Brigadier Director of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies INTRODUCTION TO ISSUE 10 OF THE IEEE JOURNAL The IEEE Journal, faithful to its appointment and to its objective of providing articles of academic quality on current affairs, in its final edition for 2017, offers readers six articles on major aspects of international reality. The ever-changing terrorist phenomenon has forced the European Union to adopt normative measures in the face of this threat. Analysing these changes and answers is the topic developed by Ms Andreea Marica, Doctor of Law and Professor of International Law at the Camilo José Cela University in her article: Measures and regulatory changes within the European Union to strengthen the fight against global terrorism, in which she reviews the so-called “hard answers” and “soft answers” implemented by this macro-institution to guarantee citizens an area of ​​Freedom, Security and Justice. In the view of the author, the updating and harmonisation of legal instruments is essential, as well as the improvement of cooperation between judiciary and information. The second article, Terrae ultima Thule: Cooperation in the Arctic region, addresses the future of the Arctic and its natural resources. Its author, David López Morales, focuses on the Arctic region as a place for the coexistence of current superpowers and analyses the interests at stake that make cooperation among States in the Arctic central to the debate, as well as the need for cooperation to guarantee peace, security and stability in this region. The third article addresses one of the current challenges to regional and international security: North Korea’s nuclear programme. Anass Gouyez Ben Allal, PhD in Law and Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid, analyses in the North Korea’s nuclear programme: the survival of the regime and the challenges of security the risk that this programme implies for illicit trafficking in nuclear technology and other practices. Jihadism and terrorist violence are, regrettably, a permanent cause for concern and analysis. In article 4, Pablo Cañete Blanco, discusses Jihadism as an expression of violence and analyses the phenomenon as a changing, fragmented process which, without being alien to the rest of today’s Western social processes, has adapted to new global audiences.

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