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REVISTA_IEEE_10 270 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 fighters. Accordingly, Germany has classified as an offence of a terrorist nature all travel outside of the country with the intention of receiving terrorist training and financing terrorism (Law amending preparation as a serious and violent offence that endangers the security of the state, 12 June 2015), and similarly implements a series of passport and ID document restrictions for foreign fighters (Law amending the law on identity documents and the use of a substitute ID card, 20 June 2015)153. Here, the German Criminal Code criminalises visits to a terrorist training camp with the purpose of preparing a terrorist attack; incitement to the commission of terrorist offences; offences relating to the support, recruitment and membership of a terrorist organisation; the preparation or commission of a serious and violent offence that endangers the security of the state; travel abroad to receive terrorist training and the financing of terrorism.154 We must also mention that paragraph 1 of Article 91 of the German Criminal Code incriminates any person who produces or supplies to another written material whose content might serve as instruction for the commission of a serious, violence offence that endangers the security of the state if the circumstances of its dissemination are conducive to rousing or encouraging other persons to prepare to commit such an offence. Likewise, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 91 incriminate anybody who obtains written material with the aim of committing a serious violent offence that jeopardises the security of the state155. United Kingdom The Terrorism Acts of 2000 and 2006 foresee a variety of criminal provisions that even allow for the prosecution of potential foreign fighters. Accordingly, acts that are deemed crimes include the financing of terrorism, the participation and/or direction of a terrorist group, incitement to terrorism and journeys taken to join the ranks of a terrorist organisation. Similarly, in March 2015, the United Kingdom adopted the Serious Crime Act that permits the prosecution of those people who have received terrorist training abroad and who have links to the UK or who are seeking to carry out attacks on its territory156. 153  Global Legal Monitor. Germany: New Anti-Terrorism Legislation Entered into Force. https:// 154  Criminal justice response to the phenomenon of foreign fighters - Compilation of replies, Annex VI. Doc. 5206/2/15 REV 2. See also: International Centre for Counter – Terrorism – The Hague: The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union Profiles, Threats & Policies. DOI: 10.19165/2016.1.02. p. 34. 155  Commission Staff Working Document. Accompanying the document. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of Council Framework Decision 2008/919/JHA amending. Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism (COM(2014) 554 final). Brussels, 5.9.2014. SWD(2014) 270 final, p.3. 156  International Centre for Counter – Terrorism – The Hague: The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union Profiles, Threats & Policies. DOI: 10.19165/2016.1.02. p.41.

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