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Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 Diagram 1. Comparative and definitory diagram of types of violence. 346 case for the Islamic State, could prove incredibly paradoxical as it calls upon clearly contradictory perceptions. For this reason, it has been pointed out by some that the ideology of the terrorist group Islamic State cannot be nihilistic: “And the ethos of ISIS—in which no act is too sadistic if it helps bring an extremist religious state closer to reality—is not nihilistic at all. It is, to the contrary, a reaction to nihilism, a way of fending off its moral challenge by embracing a dangerous and outdated theocratic mentality”29. Indeed, religion has some kind of role in the configuration of jihadist violence. In parallel, we could say that football has some kind of relationship with hooliganism (another form of ultraviolence or of empty/nihilistic violence). The central issue, however, is that in both cases, the end seems to turn into the means; in other words, jihad (religious fundamentalism) and football turn into the means through which an end can be achieved and legitimised: the end being violence. This doesn’t mean that hooliganism and jihadism are identical – these two social processes shouldn’t be equated – but they do share certain superstructural elements related to the production of meaning and existence30. Allah decreed that they would return to Him as shuhadā’ martyrs, an incomparable honour which they had both desired, eagerly pursued, and supplicated their Lord for. We consider them so, and Allah is their judge” (…) “We ask Allah to take revenge for the Muslims and the mujāhidīn, and rain fire and destruction upon the infidels and apostates wherever they are”, see DABIQ. «The Burning of the Murtadd Pilot.» Dabiq. From Hyprocrisy to Apostasy. Rabi’ Al-Akhir de 1436: 5-8 https:// (last consulted 04.07.2017). 29  ZARETSKY, Robert, and David MIKICS. «Is ISIS an army of nihilists? Just the opposite.» Boston Globe, 31 August 2014, opposite/GqLQ6Wt6ucso7G4CKLmCwN/story.html(last consulted 20.03.2017). 30  You can read comments about the phenomenon of ultraviolent Russian hooliganism in PUGMIRE, Jerome. «Vicious Russian hooligans at Euro train and prepare to fight.» USA Today,

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