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Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 360 making recognisable violence, its sources and its motives is fundamental for an effective understanding of conflicts (a necessary first step to finding a possible resolution to conflicts). Nonetheless, it is important to define the scope of this process and situate it within a broader context. Not everyone who joins the Islamic State does so in order to exercise ultraviolence. In many cases, it is down to issues of belonging and identity and (lack of ) social cohesion, and thus far it is only a limited (but very visible) group that gives outlet to their nihilism through these practices. And yet, the fact that it is precisely the Islamic State reaching a greater number of followers (in the West and the rest of the world)71 means that the risks associated with their policy of hate management are particularly high. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALBATTAR. Orlando Attack. s/l, 14 June 2016. ALEXANDER, Harriet. «Omar Mateen searched for Facebook posts about Orlando shooting while he was carrying it out.» The Telegraph, 16 June 2016. AL-FILISTINI, Abu Qatada. «A Message to the People of Jihad and those who Love Jihad.» 28 April 2014. AL-MAQDISI, Abu Muhammad. «A call to the Ummah and the Mujahideen.» May 2014. APARICIO-ORDÁS GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA, Luís A. «El origen de la violencia en las sociedades humanas: Violencia simbólica, violencia fundadora y violencia 71  SETAS VÍLCHEZ, Carlos. «El Estado Islámico es más ‘sexy’ que Al Qaeda.» esglobal, 19 September 2014, 1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiH2YPqm-jSAhXGOxQKHS0EA3gQFggcMAA&url &usg=AFQjCNGBxTC71wCBvHsQlxgCOUVa_DXGDA&sig2=6o5sMeqsed2xrL8cGb_ nTA. (last consulted 20.03.2017). RT. «Crece alarmantemente la captación de yihadistas españoles por parte del Estado Islámico.» RT, 29 March 2016, url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwidpJ6AnOjSAh WKvBQKHazSCh0QFggaMAA& yihadistas- espana-siria-estado-islamico&usg=AFQjCNGIuec5cRTswo3tkZ4-6UtFb8tYrA&sig2= E3fu1TeAQYl8zP26vkchvg&bvm=bv.150120842,d.d24. (last consulted 20.03.2017). GUTIÉRREZ, Óscar. «El Califato no pierde atractivo.» El País, 10 August 2015, url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi647 OJnOjSAhXB1xQKHTniDBoQFggfMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Finternacional.elpais. com%2Finternacional%2F2015%2F08%2F09%2Factualidad%2F1439132728_703778. html&usg=AFQjCNEI0C0WOoqmc6lMtwF9cQY d9hG0CA&sig2=W28cmDvp68dSpbDb1XYMkQ. (last consulted 20.03.2017).

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